Structural Integration - Deep Tissue Bodywork, Posture and Movement Education

"When the body gets working appropriately, the force of gravity can flow through. Then, spontaneosly, the body heals itself."
Ida Rolf, Ph.D.

Room for Improvement

February 24th 2011 : Blog, News

When I mentioned to people that I was trying Rolfing, some folks wondered how folfing, otherwise known as Frisbee golf, would make you healthier.

Others wondered why anyone would voluntarily go see someone who made you throw up or “rolf your guts out” as one friend put it.

What is Holistic Medicine?

November 2nd 2009 : Articles, Featured

“Many have used holistic methods in the past spanning from to Hippocrates in Greece to the Yellow Emperor in ancient China. Although the meaning and theories that fall into this realm of healthcare have evolved, the basic tenets have remained the same.”