Structural Integration - Deep Tissue Bodywork, Posture and Movement Education

"When the body gets working appropriately, the force of gravity can flow through. Then, spontaneosly, the body heals itself."
Ida Rolf, Ph.D.

Fascia: The Secret Organ

January 21st 2015 : Blog

I help people see that when they hold stress from overwork, physical and emotional behavior patterns, repetitive strain, and even trauma, it is transmitted to the body. You can see it, whether it’s a compressed diaphragm, hunched and sloping shoulders, or thickness through the upper thighs. When I help clients release those stresses, I can empower them to heal the deeper issues that manifest themselves as physical symptoms.

How a Mysterious Body Part Called Fascia Is Challenging Medicine

August 19th 2014 : Blog

The scientific community has developed an interest in fascia research as of late. Rolf Structural Integration works primarily with fascia, how will this research relate?

Understanding Your Fascia

February 13th 2014 : Articles, Blog, News

Ida Rolf, who created Rolf Structural Integration, has been speaking about the importance of and creating change within the body’s fascia since the 50’s. Mainstream science is finally catching up to her.

Fascial Research Video – Is Fascia the Cause of Pain?

September 7th 2013 : Blog

Is fascia the cause of pain in the human body? This video explores the research that points to this possibility.

Wiki Definition: Fascia

June 7th 2012 : Blog

“Fascia is the organ of form”, this qoute is from the founder of Structural Integration, Ida Rolf, Ph.D. She believed in fascia’s ability to determine the body’s structure well before this was a commonly hel belief.

The Century of the Body: Fascia, Yoga and the Medicine of the Future

February 14th 2012 : Articles, Blog

Yoga, bodywork and other therapies that tap into the transformative potential of the body’s fascial network have an important role to play in this process. In this interview with Yoga U Online, Tom explores the transformative potential of the body’s fascial network and its implications for the future of yoga and yoga therapy.

Staying Fit: Yoga, Rolfing and the Elusive Cinderella Tissues

January 24th 2012 : Articles, Blog, Featured, News

What is the most plentiful tissue in the body — and the most ignored?
The answer is fascia — the gooey, gliding stuff that holds you together.

Peter Melchior talks about Ida Rolf and Structural Integration

January 5th 2012 : Blog, News

So good to hear Peter Melchior’s voice. His gave so much to the community during his lifetime. Here he is talking about Ida Rolf, Ph.D. (the creator of Structural Integration) and what this type of bodywork can do for a person. Thank you Peter, you are missed.

Video Explaination of Rolfing Structural Integration with Robert Schleip, Ph.D.

September 23rd 2011 : Blog, News

Robert Schleip, Ph.D. presents the basics of Rolfing Structural Integration at the International Fascia Research Congress. He explains typical techniques used during a session.

Oprah’s Dr. Oz on Rolfing

May 7th 2010 : Blog, News

Dr. Oz recommends a technique called Rolfing, which he describes as “even deeper than a deep-tissue massage.”