Vogue Features Rolfing
Given rolfing’s inaccurately negative rap, many recent trainees of Ida P. Rolf’s methods (developed in the ‘40s and popularized, or some might say primal scream-ized, at the infamous Esalen Institute in the ‘60s) refer to themselves as she did—as practitioners of structural integration.
Oprah’s Dr. Oz on Rolfing
Dr. Oz recommends a technique called Rolfing, which he describes as “even deeper than a deep-tissue massage.”
“Yoga is Evil”
“Sometimes I feel a little odd when people ask if I “do” Yoga, it’s comparable to asking if I “do” art. Yoga is something one becomes, not something one does.”
What is Rolf S.I.?
“Structural Integration seeks to awaken changes in the body using deep touch, core movement and awareness.”
Bodywork as Meditation
“Openness to a different type of listening and following are essential for the meditative to emerge.”
Using Tennis Balls for Tension Relief
“The tennis ball is a great tool for self care because it is firm and resilient, yet yields to pressure nicely.”
Four Principles of Structural Bodywork
“Every physical creature is subject to the effects of gravity throughout life. It is the one unrelenting stimulus to which we must relate.”
Rolfing® is about Core Experience
“The first principle of Rolfing® is that the body must relate continually to the physical force of gravity. The various segments of the body must be more or less aligned one on top of the other, or else the external muscles begin to labor to maintain the upright posture.”
What is Holistic Medicine?
“Many have used holistic methods in the past spanning from to Hippocrates in Greece to the Yellow Emperor in ancient China. Although the meaning and theories that fall into this realm of healthcare have evolved, the basic tenets have remained the same.”
Physical, Emotional & Mental Healing…
“The benefits I’ve received from SI are really physical, emotional and mental. Primarily, it helped me process emotions that had been trapped in my body. It eased my pain tremendously and I was able to resume the active life that I enjoy.”
Structural Integration of the Human Body
“Using Yoga’s theory of evolving the human structure for higher states of consciousness through physical change, combined with deep hands on work, she began to develop Structural Integration.”