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Rolfing, Cryotherapy, DNA testing: four new wellbeing trends

Structural Integration has been gaining steam in the UK as of late. Apparently it is an up and coming trend according to Lucy Fry at the Telegraph. While her article lacks depth I just get excited when my work is mentioned as a trend in another country, heck it’s not even on this continent!

I often get people asking about this “new” therapy I practice. I kindly tell them it’s been around since the 50’s, but apparently our marketing has been lacking in the last 60 years. Perhaps we are getting some traction these days, at least across the pond. Here is the article:

“Still worried that you’re too stressed or your muscles ache after exercise? Relax – the latest developments in science and alternative therapies promise to solve (nearly) all your problems


Move over massage, it’s time to welcome Rolfing. Developed in the mid-20th century by Ida Rolf, this is a hands-on process used for the treatment of injuries and chronic pain. Appealing more to those who want to instigate long-term postural change (rather than those who simply want their muscles pummelled for an hour), Rolfing is all about returning the body to its optimum structure via the realignment of the interconnective tissues (or myofascial layer) that hold the muscles in place.

If that sounds complicated, don’t worry – you’ll have plenty of time to ask your Rolfer about it, since the process usually involves 10 one-on-one sessions that move through different body parts and muscle groups. Previously there were only 23 qualified Rolfers in the UK; last year that number rose to 35 (”

Read the rest of the article here.

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